Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The many faces of the Chokwe Pwo mask

I had been given a Chokwe mask which was damaged, and I attempted to repair the wood with not much success, however, I decided to use the mask as an inspiration for one of my masquerade dolls.  I created two dolls from this inspiration, but found that one of the masks was clearly not cooperating.  It kept falling, breaking, and needed repair to the clay which I used to create the mask.  It also meant that in the third repair, I had to strip the paint and change the pigment.  Asking myself, why was this happening?  I did more research and found that the Chokwe Pwo masks reflect many aspects of a "woman" and womanhood.  So, in actuality, the two dolls I created possessed their own unique energy and representation.  One Pwo mask, does not represent the whole.  For as many Pwo masks that are created, there are the varied experiences and artistic expressions: Pwo can be a young woman, a mother, an elder, or a Chief.

The dress styles include woven or netted fibers and usually are sewn on the masquerader - (the best fiber substitute that I could find is burlap) Cloth and raffia are also used.
They have distinctive head-dresses which are often very elaborate, Headbands are normally featured. This mask exhibits Chokwe stylistic traits such as the half-closed, almond-shaped eyes within concave eye orbits, filed teeth, and C-shaped ears. Its fine coiffure is partially carved in wood as an extension of the mask.

Below, are pictures of my inspiration, and the two dolls created.

Here is the Young Woman Pwo

I changed her outfit from this cloth to the fiber and raffia pictured above

The "Elder Pwo" has unique characterization in her face and hairstyle. The basket weave hairstyle was created from braiding twine and also knotting in places for effect.
I really struggled with this one, having to restart many times including stripping the paint color and changing pigment. While you may notice some imperfections - she is perfect - because the journey of womanhood builds character and inner beauty.

This picture of Pwo Masks show the diversity of styles and artistic expressions.  These masks are at the Dendo Museum in Angola

Pwo Masquerade at a festival

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