Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Sowo Sande Helmet Masquerade

Sowo Helmet Mask
In Mende society - Sowo is a female water deity which represents the women's secret society.

My Sowo Masquerader was designed with a white turtle mounted on headdress. The helmet Masks are used during various rites of passage ceremonies and is one of the few masquerade masks worn by women.

 Elaborate hairstyling is the most prominent feature of the mask which reflects personal beauty and social prestige among the Sande.  Masks feature intricate braids, weavings, and buns reflective of actual Mende hairstyles. Mask coiffures are further embellished with additions of symbolic motifs such birds, snakes, cooking pots, cowrie shells, amulets, charms, crests, and crowns. These adornments refer to Sande traditions, proverbs, and teachings.

2nd Sowo Sande mask completed with bird and cowries on the headdress. This one has a striped shirt and slightly different raffia covering. Each Sowo mask will have many of the same features, yet, no two are alike; in fact, they will have different names attributed to them based upon their individual function to teach, admonish, or guide in rituals for the Women's Secret Society.

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