Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Spirit of the Masquerade - How it all began

The Mask used by indigenous cultures is never the wood carving as we are accustomed to seeing in museums, or art collections.  In fact, I have many African and Caribbean Masks hanging on my wall which I have collected over the years, always wondering - "what do they represent and how would these masks be used." 

The artwork and styles may be very ornately carved with many symbolic images; yet, the wood mask is only one element of the Mask.
(Gelede Masks from the Yoruba Tradition)

For many cultures, "The Mask" ... is the embodiment of Spiritual energy which can be invoked for ceremonial ritual.  The Mask, when worn, allows specific spiritual energy to be channeled and manifested in this physical realm.  The whole concept of the Mask is to represent the unseen realm of spirit- it is more than a dramatic display of dance, acrobatic skill or conjuring.  It is our human desire to connect the spirit world with the physical world.

The Mask is the full regalia of costume. (These are Gelede Masqueraders)
In it's full representation, "the mask" communicates messages or specifies an energy which can be manifested for the benefit of the community.  Some of the messages can be a satirical commentary of issues which need to be resolved or a highlighting certain behaviors which are sanctioned by cultural standards.  Sometimes the Mask are used appeasing the spirit world and petitioning blessings during harvest festivals. Through dance or movement, the masqueraders dramatize the message.  They often do not talk; however, when they do, its ethereal tone has a guttural sound.

The Mask, conceals the human designee assigned to wear its costume.  In most traditions around the world, no part of the human body should be seen for many reasons: 1.) to protect the person wearing the costume from possession and 2.) to disguise the person who is wearing the costume.  In other cultures, the main costume will cover the face and most of the body.

Once the Mask is clothed on the designee, rituals and prayers are completed to invoke the spirit of the mask.  The Mask (not the designee) becomes the vessel of spirit communication; although some people would contend that both become the object of possession.

As a doll artist, I have always been fascinated with the Mask and had a wonderful vision to create Masquerade dolls inspired by many cultural traditions.  I started this endeavor October, 2014 and have since created more than 50 dolls, starting with the Yoruba culture and then gradually incorporating other cultures from the continent.  What I have pleasantly discovered, is a fascinating tradition as well as creative and artistic expression. This blog series will highlight my creations to honor The Spirit of the Masquerade.

I hope you enjoy.  I look forward to your comments.

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